I am a researcher sociologist, with a PhD degree in Psychology and Habilitation in Health Sciences. In my professional life I attempt to combine the experiences and knowledges of all these scientific areas. I’m the leader of the Semmelweis University Digital Health Research Group. My fascination with the digital transition began around 2010. As a researcher of medical sociology, my motto has always been: “A person’s zip code is more relevant than their genetic code” – which means that analysing the cultural relevance of the questions raised by digital issues are just as important for me as the technology behind it. Since 2019 I’ve been the Head of the Behavioural Science in Digital Health working group at Semmelweis University. Our research activities are geared towards investigating how physicians and patients use digital health solutions, what advantages and disadvantages they have by implementing and operating such technologies and how all this shapes their roles and relationships. We also investigate the conditions required for the successful implementation of digital health opportunities from a societal, medical and patient perspective. We regularly participate in several research projects with my team in Hungary and in the EU. In 2020 we received a national grant from National Research and Development and Innovation Office for our project titled “E-patients and e-physicians in Hungary: The role and opportunities of digital health solutions in the healthcare system.” Currently we are working together Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, which is planning to pilot telemedicine solutions in the healthcare provision for homeless people. Our aim is to observe and present how the potential of telemedicine may be implemented in reducing inequalities when it comes to accessing healthcare through the use of digital technologies by better including disadvantaged populations into the system of healthcare provision. Furthermore, I’ve been teaching medical sociology at Semmelweis University (Institute of Behavioural Studies) for the last few years, holding both seminars and lectures in English and Hungarian. In our educational programme, we focus on a project-and field work based curriculum. I have been instructing a quite popular and successful elective course as well (The basics of digital health.) I’ve also worked as a supervisor, opponent and committee member for diploma works and PhD studies. In the past 10 years I’ve given more than 200 scientific educational lectures for various target groups in the field of sociology, psychology and digital health.

Publications: Hirsch index: 15 Total impact factor: 48.117 Independent citations: 924 Author or co-author of 168 scientific paper; over 80 Hungarian and international scientific conference presentation. List of publications at Hungarian National Scientific Bibliography Google scholar