Married Name: Éva Mária VALENTNÉ DR. ALBERT
Maiden Name: Éva Mária DR. ALBERT
E-mail: ,



  • 2020 Ph.D. (2012-2019) Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctoral School of Education, Budapest, Hungary
    Doctoral Programme: History of Education
    Subprogram: School narratives in alumnae’s life stories of the Sacré Coeur. Supervisor: Ágnes Boreczky professor emerita
  • B.A. degree of English, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of English for Teacher Education (2001-2004)
    (Thesis: Pynchon: “Entropy” as a View of the Modern World)
  • M.S. degree of information technology, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Information Technology for Teacher Education (1996-1998) (Thesis: Adatbázis-kezelés Foxproban szoftverüzemeltetőknek. /transl.: Database Managing in Foxpro for software operators/)
  • M.S. degree in physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics for Teacher Education (1991-1996) (Thesis: A fa fizikai tulajdonságai /transl.: Physical Characteristics of Wood/)
  • (Maturity Exam, 1991, Pál Ráday Academic Grammar School (1987-1991)
    Isaszegi út 27. Pécel H-2119)

Places of Work

  • From 2020 András Pető Faculty of Semmelweis University (Kútvölgyi út 8. Budapest H-1125)
    college senior lecturer
  • 2020-2022 Saint Lawrance Catholic Elementary School (Gyöngyvirág utca 41. Budapest H-1183)
    Teaching of Physics and Computer Studies
  • 2014-2020 Tivadar Puskás Technical School of Telecommunications
    (Gyáli út 22. Budapest H-1097)
    Teaching of Physics and Computer Studies
  • 2013-2015 BKF Communication Foundation
    (Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9. Budapest H-1148)
    Developer of digital resources in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) with Geogebra software in Geomatech Project
  • 1994-2013 Saint Stephen Vocational Secondary School of Economics
    (Mester u. 56-58. Budapest H-1095)
    Teaching of Physics, English Language and Computer Studies at part time (evening) course
    Teaching of Computer Studies at full time course
    2005-2006: Teaching of “Internet and Communication”, “Multimedia” and “Database Managing” subjects for Manager Assistant of Economics at Advanced Vocational Training Program (Cooperated with Corvinus University, Faculty of Economics)
  • 1995-1998 Adolf Szabóky Secondary Technical and Vocational School
    (Soroksári út 75-77. Budapest H-1095)
    Teaching of Physics and Computer Studies
    Network Administrating


Hungarian Academy of Sciences, public membership from 2024

Further Trainings

  • 2020-2021 CISCO CCNAv7 1. instructor
  • 2018 „Bias reduction” teacher training (Heroes Square Initiative)
  • 2016 „Heroes’ Squere” teacher training (Heroes Square Initiative)
  • 2013 Using of modern teaching methods and ICT tools in eTwinning (30 lessons)
  • 2007 Using of the Virtual Model System for Educational Purpose (Apertus Publ. Found.)
  • 2005    Secondary School Leaving Exam (Standard and Advanced Level) Examiner of English Language (45 lessons)
  • 2005 Development of language skills with communicative view (30 lessons)
  • 2004 ECDL instructor and examiner (John von Neumann Computer Society)
  • 2004 Secondary School Leaving Exam (Standard and Advanced Level) Examiner of IT (30 lessons)
  • 1998-2000 English Language Courses (120 lessons/year) Studia Language School


  • from 2018 keeping a Micro:bit extracurricular activity (by Volunteering)
  • 2017-2018 keeping an English extracurricular activity in a Roman Catholic primary school (by Volunteering)
  • from 2017 gardening in the Agora Community Garden in Budapest
  • 2010 Designing and Managing of the website of the Saint Stephen Vocational Secondary School Alumni Association (by Volunteering, cooperated with Zsolt Valent)
  • 2007 ECDL Examining
  • 2006-2008 IT Experting (TISZK).
  • 2005-2007 Managing of the website of the Saint Stephen Vocational Secondary School of Economics (cooperated with Zsolt Valent).





History of Education:

  • Valentné Albert Éva (2019): School narratives in alumnae’s life stories of the Sacré Coeur (thesis of the dissertation)
  • Valentné Albert Éva (2018): Új tudományterület születik: a TÉR pedagógiája. /transl.: A new field of science is born: the pedagogy of Spatiality./ Neveléstudomány: Oktatás Kutatás Innováció : 96-101. DOI: 10.21549/NTNY.21.2018.1.7
    Letöltés: 2020. május 26.
  • Valentné Albert Éva (2014): A természetes és az épített környezet nevelő hatása: Sacré Coeur – Budapest, New School – Abbotsholme. /transl.: The educational effect of the natural and constructed environment: Sacré Coeur – Budapest, New School – Abbotsholme./
    taní-tani online: nyitott pedagógiai blog. /transl.: To teach. Open educational blog./ pp. 1-26.
  • Éva VALENTNÉ ALBERT (2013): Beszédes falak a Sacré Coeurben. /transl.: Speaking walls in the Sacré Coeur/ In: Ágota FEHÉR, Mária FÜLÖPNÉ ERDŐ, László MÉSZÁROS (ed.): „Gravissimum educationis”A keresztény nevelés feladatai és kihívásai a harmadik évezred elején. /transl.: „Gravissimum educationis” Missions and challenges of the Christian Education at the beginning of the third millennium/ Vilmos Apor Catholic College, Vác. 284-294. p.


  • Marc DEPAEPE: Több, mint az amnézia ellenszere… Historiográfiai, elméleti és módszertani reflexiók a nevelés történetére vonatkozóan. /original: Marc DEPAEPE: More than an antidote against amnesia…  Some historiographical, theoretical and methodological reflections on the History of Education as a field of research and as a teaching subject/ In: András NÉMETH – Judit HEGEDŰS – Zoltán András SZABÓ (ed.): Pedagógiai historiográfia. Új elméleti megközelítések, metodológiai eljárások. /transl.: Pedagogical historiography. New theoretical and methodological approaches./ ELTE Eötvös Publisher. Budapest, 2013. 9-29.p.


  • Eszter NAGYNÉ LAKATOS, Éva VALENTNÉ ALBERT: Adatbázis-kezelés Foxproban szoftverüzemeltetőknek. /transl.: Database Managing in Foxpro for software operators/) Published firstly by Szabóky Adolf Secondary Technical and Vocational School. Budapest, 1998. Digital version in 2012. 91 p.