
  • Mental Health Sciences (PhD), Semmelweis University, Budapest 2021
  • Palliative Doctor License 2016
  • Psychotherapist 2009
  • Oncoradiologist 1997
  • Medical Doctor, Semmelweis University 1993

Professional experience

  • Nov 2017-   Semmelweis University, Institute of Behavioural Sciences
  • 2013- 2020 Nyírő Gyula Kh.-OPAI Hospital/ Department of Psychiatry, Department of Psychooncology

  • 2012-          Gondoskodás 2000 Homecare service

  • 2010 -2015 Vaszary Kolos Hospital, Hospice/Dept. of Rehabilitation

  • 2008-2009 Hungarian Oncology Institute/ Department of Gynecology

  • 2001-2008 Flór Ferenc Hospital / Department of Onkology                             
  • 1993-2001 Uzsoki Hospital Onkoradiology Center

Language skills

  • German – Intermediate level (B2)
  • English – Pre-intermediate level (B1)

Memberships at professional associations

  • Hungarian Psychooncology Society – member of leadership
  • Hungarian Hospice Paliative Association – member, member of leadership 2011-2021
  • Hungarian Oncology Society – member
  • Selye János Társaság (Hans Selye Society) – member

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