
  1. Physician, MD (1997)
  2. PhD (1999)
  3. Biologist, MSc (specialisation: molecular biology) (1999)
  4. Board certificate in internal medicine (2002)
  5. Jurist, JD (2005)
  6. Board certificate in endocrinology (2005)
  7. Board certificate in clinical genetics (2008)
  8. Board certificate in clinical oncology (2024)

  9. European Board Examination in Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism (EBEEDM) (2019)
  10. Habilitation (internal medicine, Semmelweis University) (2012)
  11. Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (DSc) (2013)

  My 10 major scientific results since obtaining the PhD degree:

  1. Exploration of the cytokine and cytokine receptor expression pattern of hypothalamic GnRH neurons and the functional role of oncostatin M (results of my study trip in Switzerland)
  2. Description of microRNA expression of adrenocortical and adrenomedullary tumors among the first world-wide
  3. Novel tissue and circulating microRNA markers of adrenal tumors, and identification of novel circulating microRNA markers for adrenocortical malignancy and primary aldosteronism.
  4. The first functional genomics meta-analysis on adrenocortical tumors
  5. Raising the potential novel treatment option of 9-cis retinoic acid in adrenocortical cancer
  6. Showing the relevance of histamine in adrenocortical tumors
  7. Novel genetic polymorphisms by in silico approaches
  8. Description of novel clinical phenotypes of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2
  9. Novel hypotheses on the biological relevance of circulating microRNAs (a. circulating microRNAs as tumor suppressors, b. tissue specific action of microRNA as a defense mechanism against circulating microRNA)
  10. Showing the efficacy of somatostatin peptide radionuclide treatment among the neuroendocrine tumor patients of 2nd Department of Medicine

Σ Impact Factor (by the IF-s in the year of publication): 

  • Scientometric data:

Σ Impact Factor (ΣIF): 455.227, ΣIF of first- and last-authored journal articles: 206.905, ΣIF of original manuscripts: 323.001

ΣIF of first- and last-authored original journal articles: 121.783

H-index Web of Science: 28, Scopus: 29 (H-index Google Scholar: 36)


My 7 PhD students who have already been awarded the PhD:

Dr. Peter Márton Szabó MD PhD 2011 (Title of Dissertation: Exploring the molecular patomechanism of adrenocortical tumors, Hungarian: A mellékvesekéreg-daganatok molekuláris patogenezisének vizsgálata)

Dr. Zsófia Tömböl MD PhD 2011 (Title of Dissertation: Exploring the expression patterns and pathogenic relevance of microRNAs in adrenal tumours, Hungarian: MikroRNS-ek expressziós mintázatának és patogenetikai szerepének vizsgálata a mellékvese daganataiban)

Dr. Zsippai Adrienn PhD 2013 (Title of Dissertation: Analysis of the effects of mitotane on gene expression and the pathways affected by microRNAs in adrenocortical carcinoma; Hungarian: A mitotán génexpressziós hatásainak és a mikroRNS-ek által befolyásolt útvonalak vizsgálata mellékvesekéreg carcinomában)  

Dr. Zoltán Nagy MD PhD 2017 Title of Dissertation: Antitumoral effects of 9-cis retinoic acid and mitotane and evaluation of microRNAs in adrenocortical cancer xenograft models; Hungarian: A 9-cisz retinsav és a mitotán tumorellenes hatásainak és a mikroRNS-ek vizsgálata mellékvesekéreg-rák xenograft modelljein  

Dr. Pál Perge  MD PhD 2018 Title of Dissertation: Evaluation of circulating extracellular vesicle-associated microRNAs in patients with adrenocortical tumors; Hungarian; Keringő extracelluláris vezikula-asszociált mikroRNS-ek expressziójának vizsgálata mellékvesekéreg-daganatban szenvedő betegekben

Dr. Ábel Decmann MD PhD 2020 Title of Dissertation: Analysis of circulating microRNAs in the benign and malignant adrenal tumors Hungarian; Keringő mikroRNS-ek vizsgálata jó- és rosszindulatú mellékvese daganatokban  

Dr. Peter I Turai MD- PhD 2023 [Investigation of non-coding tissue RNAs in benign and malignant adrenal cortex tumors ] Hungarian; Nem kódoló szöveti RNS-ek vizsgálata jó- és rosszindulatú mellékvesekéreg daganatokban



Current PhD student: Dr. Balint Vékony


Research projects supervised as Principal Investigator:

  1. ETT „Funkcionális genomikai vizsgálatok a mellékvesekéreg daganatainak patogenezisében – különös tekintettel a citokinek és receptoraik expressziójára” (Functional genomics studies on the pathogenesis of adrenocortical tumours – focusing ont he expression of cytokines and cytokine receptors) 2006-2008 – ETT 089/2006
  2. Semmelweis University Research Fund ”Funkcionális genomikai vizsgálatok a mellékvesekéreg daganatok patogenezisének vizsgálatában, különös hangsúllyal az immunrendszeri mediátorok szerepének vizsgálatára.” (Studies on the pathogenesis of adrenocortical tumours by functional.genomics approaches, focusing on the expression of cytokines and their receptors) 2006
  3. OTKA PD project 2008-2010 „Funkcionális genomikai, mikroRNS és fehérje szintű vizsgálatok sporadikus mellékvese daganatokban, gyógyszeresen befolyásolható patomechanizmusok felderítésére. (Functional genomics, microRNA and protein level studies on sporadic adrenal tumor pathogenesis in search for novel pathomechanisms.)” PD72306 – scoring: 9 (excellent)
  4. OTKA K project 2012-2015.  „Gyógyszeresen befolyásolható patomechanizmusok vizsgálata a mellékvesekéreg, mellékvesevelő és más endokrin szervek daganataiban” (Search for druggable pathomechanisms in adrenocortical, adrenomedullary and other endocrine tumors) K100295 – scoring: 10 (excellent)
  5. OTKA (NKFIH) K project 2015-2019. „Keringő mikroRNS-ek és extracelluláris vezikulák vizsgálata a mellékvese-daganatok diagnózisában” (Studies on circulating microRNA and extracellular vesicles for the diagnosis of adrenal tumours) K115398
  6. OTKA (NKFIH) K project 2020-2024 “Studies on non-coding RNA in endocrine tumors” K134215
  7. OTKA (NKFIH) K project (2024-2028) “Search for treatment predictive molecular biomarkers in endocrine tumors by the help of artificial intelligence”

Languages spoken: English (Cambridge Proficiency gr. C) German (Goethe Institut Zentrale Oberstufe, Gr. C2) French (DALF (Diplome approfondi de la Langue Francaise), Gr. C2) Russian (Hungarian Exam of Superior Level, Gr. C1) Spanish (Hungarian Exam of Medium Level, Gr. B2)  

Invited speaker at international congresses/symposia/university seminars:  

1. 10-11. Oct. 2024. Endocrinology Update – Polish-Romanian-Hungarian Scientific Symposium, Gdansk, Poland Igaz P: Recent advances in primary aldosteronism

 2. 2-4. Oct. 2024.The Joint 23rd ENS@T and 3rd COST Harmonis@tion meeting „Fighting Adrenal Tumors Together” – COST Harmonis@tion Adrenal Tumour Masterclass – Mallorca, Spain Igaz P: Are microRNAs helpful to predict metastases in ACC and PPGL?

3. Feb. 2024. ACC Summit Webinar – Connecting minds: Sharing experience from around the world

Igaz P:  Experience with adrenocortical cancer in Hungary

4. 25-28. June 2023 31. Romanian Congress of Endocrinology, Oradea, Romania

Igaz P: How to differentiate between benign and malignant adrenal tumors?

 5. Apr 2023. Novel insights in the genetics and genomics of adrenocortical tumors and pheochromocytomas

Webinar – organised by MDPI/Cancers

Igaz P: Non-coding RNAs in the differential diagnosis of adrenocortical tumors

 6. May 2022. On-line Seminar in the Precision Medicine PhD programme at the Univ. of Brescia – on-line

Igaz P: Non-coding RNAs in adrenocortical tumors with a focus on microRNAs: biomarkers or even potential treatment targets?

 7. Sep. 2021.-2. Oct. 2021. 8th Adrenal Cancer Symposium, Brescia – on-line

Igaz P: Liquid biopsy in the assessment of adrenocortical carcinoma heterogeneity: where are we now?

8. 06.2021. 29th Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocerinology – on-line

Igaz P: Non-coding RNAs in the diagnosis of adrenal tumors

 9. 06.2021. Webinar – Euro-Endo ERN – European Reference Network for rare or Low prevalence complex diseases

Igaz P: Clinical and genetic aspects of pheochromocytoma

10. European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE 2020) – Prague – 5-9. September 2020 – on-line

Symposium on Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Igaz P: S6.3 Circulating microRNAs in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant adrenocortical tumours

11. Progress in Primary Aldosteronism 6 (PIPA-6) – Munich, 14-15. October 2019

Igaz P: Potential roles for microRNAs in primary aldosteronism

 12. Adrenal Cancer Symposium – Clermont Ferrand (27-28 September 2019)

Igaz P: Circulating microRNAs for the diagnosis of adrenocortical tumors

 13. Oct. 2018. IPSEN Oncology Meeting Bucharest (Roumania)

Overview on NET and somatostatin analogues

 14. 21-22. June 2018. 5th Central-Eastern European Congress on Cell-Free Nucleic Acids, Debrecen, Hungary – Igaz P: Circulating microRNAs and tumors

 15. 19-22. May 2018. 20th European Congress of Endocrinology, ECE2018, Barcelona, Spain

New Scientific Approach 5 (22. May) – Igaz P: Circulating miRNAs in endocrine tumors

16. 22-25. Feb. 2018. 22nd European Society of Endocrinology, Postgraduate Clinical Course on Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Visegrád, Hungary – Igaz P. Establishment of malignancy in adrenocortical tumours

17. Jan. 2018 Laboratory Seminar at the University of Zürich, Klinik für Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Klinische Ernährung – 9 cis retinoic acid and circulating microRNAs in adrenocortical tumors

18. Jul. 2017. University Seminar at the University of Brescia, Italy: Igaz P: Circulating miRNA in the diagnosis and prognosis of adrenocortical carcinoma

19. 8-10. Feb. 2017. European Society of Endocrinology Basic Course, Budapest

Igaz P: MicroRNAs as biomarkers in adrenocortical cancer

20. 16. May – 20.  May 2015. 17th European Congress of Endocrinology, Dublin

Symposium 16.3. Igaz P: miRNA as biomarkers in adrenal cancer?

 21. 27. Apr. – 1. May 2013. 15th European Congress of Endocrinology, Copenhagen

Symposium 19.3 – Igaz P: MicroRNAs and gene expression patterns in adrenal tumours

22. 22-23 Feb. 2013. Fourth International Symposium on Adrenal Cancer (FISAC2013,),

Igaz P: Tissue miRNome as potential biomarkers for adrenocortical cancer

23. Dec. 2012.  1st ComitNET Meeting (Prague) – Meeting host and five oral presentations

24. 22-24. March 2012. 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI2012) – Symposium: Igaz P: Analysis of microRNAs in adrenal tumors

25. 19-22. March 2012. Society for Endocrinology, BES2012, Harrogate, UK

Symposium:    Igaz P: MicroRNAs in the diagnosis and therapy of endocrine cancers

26. 30. Apr–4. May 2011. 13th European Congress of Endocrinology, Rotterdam

Symposium 27 – Igaz P: Transcriptome analysis and microRNAs in adrenal tumours


Membership in International Scientific Committees: 2011-2016 ESE-ENDO IESP – European Society of Endocrinology – Endocrine Society International endocrine scholars programme – Selection Committee member (Grant selection) 2015-2018ENS@T (European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors), Adrenocortical Cancer Workgroup Scientific Board – member 2016. European Society of Endocrinology Finance Committee (member)

2022- COST Action „Harmonizing clinical care and research on adrenal tumours in European countries” Working Group 4 (Harmonizing legal and ethical aspects) – vice chairman

2022– ENS@T: Aldosterone producing adenoma Working Group – scientific board member, 2025- Working Group head

2023– ENETS (European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society) Scientific Advisory Board Member

2023– ESE Education Committee member


Scientific decorations, Prizes: 1994-1997 Hungarian Republican Scholarhip 1997 Abstract Award of the Hungarian Society for Immunology, 2nd Prize 1998. Babics Award for article written in Hungarian (divided) 1999: Youth Award of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism for article in the field of Neuroendocrinology 2001-2003 Hungarian Academy of Sciences János Bolyai Postdoctoral Research Scholarship (2 years) May 2002. Award for the best oral presentation at the XIX. Congress of Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism 2006-2007 Hungarian Academy of Sciences János Bolyai Postdoctoral Research Scholarship (1 year) 2006 Markusovszky Lajos Award for an article published in the Hungarian Medical Journal (Orvosi Hetilap) 2006: Youth Award of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism for article in the field of Neuroendocrinology. 2008: Novartis award for poster on neuroendocrine tumors 2008: Gedeon Richter Ltd. Research Award 2009: Gedeon Richter Ltd. Publication Award 2012: Merit Award of Semmelweis University 2013 Markusovszky Lajos Award for an article published in the Hungarian Medical Journal (Orvosi Hetilap) 2013: Jendrassik Ernő Award and Plaquet from Semmelweis University 2018: Markusovszky Lajos Award for an article published in the Hungarian Medical Journal  2022: Flerkó-Bárdos Award and Plaquet

Editorial Membership in Journal Editorial Boards: 2006- onward: member of the Editorial Board of the „Hungarian Medical Journal” 2010– Associate Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Cancer Research  2020- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Genetics (section RNA), Guest Editor: Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2019, Endocrine Forms of Hypertension: Clinical and Emerging Molecular Aspects  – Guest Editors: Teresa M. Seccia and Peter Igaz IF (2019): 3.644 Guest Editor: Cancers (IF: 6.575), 2021 – New Insights in the Genetics and Genomics of Adrenocortical Tumors and Pheochromocytomas , 2024. Dec. – Associate Editor – Endocrine Related Cancer (Q1 Journal, IF: 4.1)

Awards of PhD-students under my tutorship: PhD students:

  1. 2022. Best poster in Adrenocortical cancer – ENSAT – Peter Turai MD
  2. 2022. Youth Award of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism: Peter Turai MD
  3. 2019. Youth Award of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism: Abel Decmann MD
  4. 2018. ENSAT (European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors) – NAPACA (non-aldosterone producing adenoma) award: Ábel Decmann MD
  5. 2018. Semmelweis University PhD conference: Pál Perge MD – special award
  6. 2015. Semmelweis University PhD conference: Zoltán Nagy MD – III. award
  7. 2014. Youth Award of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism: Diana Rita Szabó
  8. 2012. 8th YSA-PhD-Symposium, Vienna: Diana Rita Szabó – award for the best poster in section 22.
  9. 2012. Semmelweis University PhD conference: Diana Rita Szabó – special award
  10. 2010. Youth Award of the Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism: Peter M Szabó MD
  11. 2010. Semmelweis University PhD conference: Zsófia Tömböl MD – special award
  12. 2009. European Society of Endocrinology Young Investigator Award – Zsófia Tömböl MD
  13. 2009. Semmelweis University, Excellent PhD Student Award – Zsófia Tömböl MD
  14.  2008. Semmelweis University PhD conference: Zsófia Tömböl MD – special award

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