PrinCCes Download Page
- Graphical User Interface versions are recommended for most users.
MS Windows: Extract the msi package from the ZIP file and double-click to auto-install.
Linux systems: Extract the files from the TAR.GZ archive to an empty directory. See the README file for installation.PrinCCes_v1_09_GUI_Windows_32bit
- Command line versions are for batch operations, scripting and software development.
Extract the files to an empty directory. See the README file for installation. Type „princ -h” for help.PrinCCes_v1_09_CMD_Windows_32bit
- VMD or Chimera software is required for the visualization of the results.
Please, download one (or both) of them, if they are not available on your system.
–> Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD)
–> UCSF Chimera
- All packages include executable and source code. The source code may be platform-dependent, especially between the Windows and Linux GUI versions. The source codes of the Linux GUI versions could be attempted to be compiled by the FPC/Lazarus IDE on Windows, but not the other way around.