Protein internal Channel & Cavity estimation

PrinCCes is a free computer program for the automatic visualization of voids in proteins or protein complexes. The input of the program is the PDB (Protein Data Bank) file of the structure. A major design principle was user friendly operation. Practically, no bioinformatics knowledge is required for the graphic user interface (GUI) versions. The software detects all voids (pockets, crevices, chambers, tunnels, etc.). The resolution of the analysis and the size range for the void search are controlled by three easy-to-understand parameters (grid resolution, radius of small probe sphere – which freely moves within the voids, and radius of large probe sphere – which cannot enter the voids). The voids of a protein can be visualized one by one or in any user-specified combinations as triangulated surfaces in response to a click. The output is automatically exported to free VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) or UCSF Chimera software, allowing the 3D rotation of the surfaces and the production of publication quality images.
PrinCCes is available as GUI and CMD (command line) versions for Windows and Linux on 32 and 64 bit platforms.
Humphrey W, Dalke A, and Schulten K. VMD: visual molecular dynamics. J Mol Graph 14: 33-38, 1996.